It is well-known that markets put a premium on companies that innovate at a higher rate than their peers. Significant data also shows that companies that invest not only in their core but adjacent and breakthrough innovation are the ones with higher longevity. With the average company lifespan at 15 years today, leaders everywhere are struggling to define their innovation agendas that increase the long-term enterprise value.

The root cause lies in the ambiguity of vision, risk appetite, and leadership potential. We help companies shape their innovation agenda by first helping the C-suite clarify their vision, risk appetite, and ability to embrace and drive change. Then we help them craft pragmatic innovation journeys.


Should we invest in innovation beyond the core?
Or should we focus on maximizing short-term shareholder value?
Where should we invest in innovation to maximize our core business value?
If we invest beyond the core, what is our innovation agenda, process, and system for governance?
How do we simplify, optimize, and manage our innovation portfolio for maximum Return on Innovation?

Return on Investment vs. Return on Innovation

While Return on Investment uses classical methods to measure financial returns, the Return on Innovation is a more holistic measure of investment. It measures the ability of an investment to drive financial returns, but also develop new insights and experience, delight the consumer, increase employee engagement and enhance employer attractiveness. Ultimately, it increases overall brand equity.

We propose that innovation across all healthcare organizations should also be measured by its ability to drive patient impact – clinical, emotional, and economic.



Every business has core assets that it monetizes. What often remains unnoticed is the incremental value that can be created by offering new, adjacent products and services, or through new business models.

We advise small to large businesses and PE/VC firms on how to maximize the value of their portfolio by assessing product/market fit, uncovering new possibilities, and leveraging strategic Partnerships.


What new products or services can we offer by leveraging our current capabilities?
What new business models can improve our profitability when it comes to existing offerings?
How can we improve the return on our assets by monetizing unutilized capacities?



AI, Blockchain, AR, Edge Computing, Cloud.

The drumbeat is relentless. You hear digital is the new business model, yet don’t fully understand how to embrace it to gain a competitive edge for your business.

We can help you understand the relevance of digital in your context and help you harness its power to grow your business.


Can you drive better customer service through digital?
Can you improve your operational efficiency?
Can you think of new value you can provide through digital platforms?
Can you scale your business better through digital? What new business models can you embrace?

“A business model, at the most fundamental level, describes how a business makes a profit. Digital technologies provide opportunities to enhance old business models, or create new ones – glamorized as digital business models.”



You feel that your business is under constant threat of being disrupted, either by the predictable – nimble startups, advances in technology, changing consumer expectations, and new experiences; or by the unpredictable – regulation, political or economic instability, or acts of nature.


What predictable potential disruptions is your business facing?
What is your plan to manage these predictable disruptions?
How can you stay ahead and even disrupt the disruptor before being disrupted?


“It had already been 4 weeks. My cough was persistent. I had tried all home remedies and otc medicines. With my hefty travel schedule, scheduling a doctor’s visit was proving difficult. Finally, my wife put her foot down,
and I showed up at an ENT specialist’s office. Even before the doctor saw me, I was given a chest x-ray and bronchoscopic exam of my lungs. Needless to say, everything turned out normal. I was prescribed some antibiotics, yet my cough was persistent. Then someone said – you’ve recently moved to Memphis. The pollen count here is high these days, try allergy medication. Two Allegras later, the cough started to subside.”

Had the ENT specialist spoken to me first and listened to my symptoms, could he have narrowed down the problem to a seasonal allergy and prescribed Allegra? Probably.

Would it have saved unnecessary medical costs? Probably.

Understanding business problems is no different. Many management consultants have pre-packaged solutions they pose as a panacea for all problems. We know that in most cases, this approach is like a hammer looking for a nail. We approach our consulting projects differently.

Our three-step methodology begins with listening, then analyzing, and finally,  co-create solutions that you are capable of executing. Most importantly, we don’t shy away from throwing the framework out of the window to think differently, if the situation so warrants.


We start every project by listening. Our goal is to separate the problem that needs to be solved from the symptoms you might be experiencing. We know that we only get the results we want by solving the right problems. Next, we develop a testable hypothesis that could solve the problem.



We start every project by listening. Our goal is to separate the problem that needs to be solved from the symptoms you might be experiencing. We know that we only get the results we want by solving the right problems. Next, we develop a testable hypothesis that could solve the problem.



With strong data analytic capabilities, access to the latest market research, and a team of industry experts, we can analyze, test, and benchmark every hypothesis to arrive at plausible solutions.



With strong data analytic capabilities, access to the latest market research, and a team of industry experts, we can analyze, test, and benchmark every hypothesis to arrive at plausible solutions.



While data might yield a set of plausible solutions, the right results depend on
successful execution. Not every individual or organization can successfully Execute every plausible solution. We work with you to select solutions that you or your organization are equipped to execute with the highest probability of success, and co-create an execution plan. Sometimes, we can also be the right
partner in implementing your plan.


While data might yield a set of plausible solutions, the right results
depend on successful execution. Not every individual or organization can successfully execute every plausible solution. We work with you to select solutions that you or your organization are equipped to execute with the highest probability of success, and co-create an execution plan. Sometimes, we can also be the right partner in implementing your plan.


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